Once a player has no cards remaining, the game round is over, points are scored, and the game begins over again. Normally, everyone tries to be the first one to achieve 500 points, but you can also choose whatever points number to win the game, as long as everyone agrees to it.

Action Cards: Besides the number cards, there are several other cards that help mix up the game. These are called Action or Symbol cards.

In recent years, Mattel has introduced two new Action card types to Uno. Instead of 108 cards, Uno now has 112 cards. What do these 4 extra cards do? Note: You can still play classic Uno without them by simply removing them before you start the game.

3 new Wild blank customizable cards and 1 Swap Hands card.

What house rules can you make up? Mattel says it’s up to your imagination, but of course it has to be something everyone agrees with. These blank customizable cards were introduced by Mattel to add a huge dash of unpredictability and extra fun to the game.

Although the cards are erasable and you can write on them with a pencil, but if you are worried that the cards would wear out quickly, one suggestion is to use a detachable plastic sticker and write on the sticker instead, and then lightly stick it onto the card for the duration of the game.

What if your last card is a Wild Swap Hands?


This scenario may happen from time to time. If your last card is a Wild Swap Hands card, you can treat it like a normal Wild card and play it to end the game right there and then – No further action is required. This is because you would obviously not win the game if you were required to swap your hand with another player.

A few wacky suggestions for customizable house rules (Do make up your own!):

Scoring: When a player no longer has any cards and the game ends, he/she receives points. All opponents’ cards are given to the winner and points are counted. All number cards are the same value as the number on the card (e.g. a 9 is 9 points). “Draw Two' – 20 Points, “Reverse' – 20 Points, “Skip' – 20 Points, “Wild' – 50 Points, and “Wild Draw Four' – 50 Points. “Wild Swap Hands” – 40 Points, “Wild Customizable card” – 40 Points. The first player to attain 500 points wins the game.

Alternative Gameplay:

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This is the alternative Uno gameplay proposed by Mattel. This is done by keeping a running tally of the total points left in each player’s hand at the end of each round. Players reaching 500 points (or any designated amount) are slowly eliminated until only two are left. The final two players then challenge each other (under Two Player rules) until someone reaches 500 points and loses.

Two Player & Four Player Rules

For two players, there is a slight change of rules:

For four players (two-partner teams), players sit opposite their partners, and play until one of either partner goes out with one Uno card left. Scoring for the winning team is done by adding up all the points from opposing partner’s hands.

Dammit Card Game Rules

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How To Play Dammit Card Game

06-03-2000, 07:41 AM

Rules For Dammit Card Game Rules

Why is it that poker is really the only card game that has a variation whereby losers are made to strip off an item of their clothing, hence the game 'Strip Poker'?
Who decided that Poker was gonna have this option and not say for example 'strip snap' or 'strip pontoon' or maybe even 'strip Wheel-of-fortune!!'??
Although you can effectively customise any game to have losers strip (which is a fantastic idea I might add) it seems that Poker is THE card game that you would automatically suggest stripping off to. And what really bugs me is that I havent got the faintest bloody idea how you play Poker, which inevitably means that yours turely ends up in the nod within 5 minutes of playing. Which by the way, is not a pretty sight! hehehehehee.